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Vim color scheme: dark, bright, simple.

felipec is my own personal vim colorscheme I’ve been tuning for several years.

Dark, bright, and simple.

Disillusioned with all the other colorschemes and generators I decided to create my own. The template format draws inspiration from estilo, but it’s much more simple.

There’s also lightline and airline colorschemes, as well as kitty, xfce4-terminal and highlight.js themes.


function truncate(string, options) {
    let separator;
    let length = DEFAULT_TRUNC_LENGTH;
    let omission = DEFAULT_TRUNC_OMISSION;

    if (isObject(options)) {
        separator = 'separator' in options ? options.separator : separator;
        length = 'length' in options ? options.length : length;
        omission = 'omission' in options ? baseToString(options.omission) : omission;

    string = toString(string);

    // TODO: check this
    let strSymbols;
    let strLength = string.length;
    if (hasUnicode(string)) {
        strSymbols = stringToArray(string);
        strLength = strSymbols.length;

Install with your favorite plugin manager.

git clone ~/.vim/pack/colors/start/felipec

Then in your .vimrc:

colorscheme felipec
let g:lightline = { 'colorscheme': 'felipec' }
let g:airline_theme = 'felipec'


	/* Determine parents */
	reflog_msg = getenv("GIT_REFLOG_ACTION");
	if (!current_head) {
		if (!reflog_msg)
			reflog_msg = "commit (initial)";
	} else if (amend) {
		if (!reflog_msg)
			reflog_msg = "commit (amend)";
		parents = copy_commit_list(current_head->parents);
	} else if (whence == FROM_MERGE) {
		struct strbuf m = STRBUF_INIT;
		FILE *fp;
		int allow_fast_forward = 1;
		struct commit_list **pptr = &parents;
		int reverse_parents = 0;

		if (!reflog_msg)
			reflog_msg = "commit (merge)";
		pptr = commit_list_append(current_head, pptr);
		fp = xfopen(git_path_merge_head(the_repository), "r");
		while (strbuf_getline_lf(&m, fp) != EOF) {
			struct commit *parent;

			parent = get_merge_parent(m.buf);
			if (!parent)
				die(_("Corrupt MERGE_HEAD file (%s)"), m.buf);
			pptr = commit_list_append(parent, pptr);
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">



Add to ~/.config/kitty/kitty.conf:

cursor #5fb8f2

foreground #dedde4
background #1d1c21

selection_foreground #1d1c21
selection_background #d991d2

color0 #1d1c21
color1 #f09080
color2 #93e4a4
color3 #fddb7c
color4 #90aafa
color5 #d991d2
color6 #30c2d8
color7 #bdbdc4

Color palette